Thursday, September 2, 2010

30 Days of Excellent in Every Way!

I haven't blogged in over a year. I do most all of my blogging on Facebook like the rest of us I guess. But I have committed myself to doing 30 days excellent in every way. To teach me to appreciate the things my children do more than I show! I have added a link where you can also challenge yourself!

So, I want to invite you to participate with me in 30 Days of Excellent in Every Way in September.

This is what you do, if you want to join me. For the month of September:

1. In your daily prayer time ask God to show you ways in which your kids are excellent. If you are like me, you may have a child that is more difficult than others. This is the child that you need really need to focus on. Pray for that child & ask God to show you how that child is excellent.

2. Keep a journal if you like of what the Lord shows you about your kids. Post it on your blog, if you have a blog visit and you can find the group on facebook or share with her your blog.

3. At least once a day, post an status on facebook(if you are on facebook) about how one of your children was excellent. Don't use their name if you don't want to, especially if they are on face book.

4. Invite your friends. Ask your mom friends to join us. Grab my button if you want to.

5. Use excellent words with your children. Tell them when you catch them doing something wonderful. Compliment them. Build them up with your positive, encouraging words!

The link below will take you to Dana's page!

Click here">

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